In the vast oceans and seas of the world, there are any number of different sea creatures that have the ability to cause us harm. None of these creatures were originally given their weapons of choice with the extermination of human life in mind, yet people still are vulnerable when they venture into the ocean. Everyone has heard of the sharks, sting rays and jellyfish. What many people do not know is that there are a number of other dangerous species as well. Here are five sea creatures that you might not know about:
The Barracuda
This is one predatory fish that many people never consider when swimming in the ocean and that can be a huge mistake. The barracuda can grow up to seven feet long, and while they are rather skinny in shape, they can still get quite heavy and dense at that length. Even the smallest of barracuda can cause major damage to human skin because of their razor sharp set of teeth. They are not especially aggressive, but they have been known to attack especially at night.
The Moray Eel
Again, the moray eel is not especially aggressive with humans as a rule, but they have attacked before. The moray eel can grow to seven feet or so as well, and though they are eels, they have a very powerful set of jaws and teeth. They are also notorious for having bites that get infected. This is a seriously dangerous sea creature and should be left alone.
Sea Lions
Sea lions are amazingly more likely to attack people than even sharks. Sea lions are generally not aggressive but when mating season begins all bets are off. The big males will be barking and become highly territorial. This can be a big problem if a human decides to go swimming in their territory. Attacks during mating season are fairly common and can be serious in the wrong situation.
Blue Ring Octopus
The blue ring octopus is dangerous for a number of reasons. One they are cute and beautiful. Two they are easily found in shallow water. Three they are almost always fatal due to the deadly venom they can inject. The venom is among the fastest acting in the world, and people rarely can get the help they need in time.
The Marlin
The Marlin? Yes, the marlin is among the more dangerous ocean creatures for one reason. They are commonly the target of sporting fishermen, and they are highly powerful with that long sword on the end of their nose. Fishermen are hurt all the time by these powerful fish and if you do not know what you are doing, they can kill you in a heartbeat. These are some seriously sturdy, strong and powerful fish.