The Opossum – Nature’s Little Faker

The opossum is a broad term to refer to over 60 species of marsupials that are all in the family Didelphidae. They are found all over America, but also in Canada and South America. The most common opossum found in North America is the Virginia opossum, or what is more commonly called the possum. This incredible little creature is one of the most fascinating animals in North America, though it gets a bit of a bad rap.

The opossum is about the same size as a house cat, and is covered with thick gray fur. Often the opossum is a mixture of white and gray, and the face is very often white. They have long tails that are highly useful to help the opossum climb trees, hang from branches, and aid in the carrying of their young.

The opossum also has four legs and feet, and each foot has five digits. The hind legs actually have opposable thumbs (for intents and purposes) much like a human being does. This allows the opossum to grasp things and use them for climbing as well. They have long pointed snouts, and mouths that are lined with sharp teeth.

The female opossum is one of the most fascinating mothers on the planet. She has around three litters per season, which is commonly from winter to the end of autumn. Each litter may have up to 15 or 20 babies, and this is a bit of tragic news in the world of the opossum. For the first several weeks of a baby opossum’s life, they are completely attached to a teat while riding in mommy’s pouch. The female opossum only has up to 13 teats, so extra opossum babies often die. This tragic fact of nature is only one of the fascinating aspects of an opossum’s life.

The opossum also has the distinct action of being able to “play dead” which is referred to as playing possum. When a possum is backed into a corner, or is otherwise threatened, it will fall over and play dead as though it had a heart attack or something. This is not the case always, as sometimes opossums will fight to the death with a fierce nature. When you come across an opossum, you are completely in the dark as to which creature you might actually get.

One of the few real problems with an opossum is the dangers of getting bit. This will generally never happen unless you attempt to handle or otherwise bother them, but when they bite it hurts like crazy. Their sharp little teeth can do a good bit of damage. The real danger, however, is the diseases that can be passed on in this way.

The opossum largely eats fruits, plants, vegetables, and insects, but they also sometimes eat meat or carrion. Because they sometimes eat carrion, a bite from a possum can transmit rabies, and other nasty bacteria problems to people.

For this reason, it is vital that you do not attempt to handle an opossum. They may seem harmless enough, but they are far from it. An opossum is dangerous if you are not careful.

In spite of this danger, the opossum is generally a docile, harmless addition to our ecosystem. They keep insect populations down, and pretty much keep to themselves. They can scare the dickens out of you on a dark night, but they will always attempt to get away rather than confront you.

Categorized as Animal

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