Article writing is far from an average job. When you write articles for a living, you live a life of feast or famine in the beginning. This, coupled with the uncertainty of clients and pay, can lead to a very frustrating career choice if you are not strong willed. The advent of online article writing sites has made things a little easier. There are any number of websites that needs content, and even the opportunity to build your own. That said, how do you know when you are officially a success as an article writer?
One of the first signs that you are succeeding in the article writing business is when your pay starts to creep up the ladder. When you first start out, you are hoping to find a paying gig of most any kind. After you have been at it a while, you begin to find that you are worth more than most gigs are paying you. This is a surefire sign that you are improving and beginning to succeed. They say that success starts when you realize your own worth, and can prove it.
Writing is a very unique business in that you have several directions that you can go. Many writers like the freedom of working for themselves. They might do this by setting up a website, or running a web venture of their very own. Others might like running a series of blogs and using advertisements to earn money. Still others might enjoy creating content and then selling the content to others who need it. All are noble and legitimate business ventures, and all can bring you a fair wage with time.
If you are going to be successful in article writing, you simply have to network. Going it alone will only get you so far. It does matter in this business who you know, just like any other. The beauty of it is, your work can have very long arms and a loud mouth. If you are talented, somebody that matters will eventually see it. The key is to get your best work in front of the right set of eyes. This is where networking comes in, and it is often overlooked.
Are you utilizing the various tools that are out there for you? If not, then you are not ready for article writing success. The reason for this is because the industry changes as fast as you can blink, and you have to stay on the cutting edge. If you do not, then you risk losing out on chances to grow. The same can be said of learning new things. Many people get a complex about being an “expert” and lose sight of the fact that their is more to learn. You can not do this in the world of article writing and expect to succeed long term.