How to Proofread Articles Like a Pro

Proofreading your work is one of the most important things that you can do to create a professional and powerful body of work. Unfortunately, the majority of people consider proofreading to be little more than quickly scanning their work and then moving on to the next project. In the high speed world of article writing,… Continue reading How to Proofread Articles Like a Pro

Categorized as Arts

Five Top Photography Schools

When choosing a major in a competitive field, it is important to attend a reputable college. The reason is because attending the absolute best school for photography will greatly increase your chances of finding a great job. Since it is likely that you will want to work at a magazine or other competitive company where… Continue reading Five Top Photography Schools

Categorized as Arts

Five Bad Reasons To Get a Tattoo

Tattoos are very popular these days, and more people are decorating their bodies with body art at a torrid pace. A great tattoo can bring great joy to someone, but it can also bring heartache. Getting a tattoo is a big decision, and one that should not be taken lightly. Many people get tattoos for… Continue reading Five Bad Reasons To Get a Tattoo

Categorized as Arts